luni, 7 octombrie 2013


Buna! Numelemeu este Bibi si am 4ani. Astazi o sa va povestesc o mica peripetiedinviata mea. Acum olunaparintiimei au descissa mergem, ca o familienormala ce suntem, intr-ovacantain Italia, asa ca, tata a facutrezervarila un hotel si a cumparatbiletele de avion. Urma sa plecam a douazi.Toatalumeaeraincantata deaceastavacanta, sora mea, Elena,isifacusechiar si un plan cu ce doreste sa vizitezecandajungeacolo. Ei ii place foartemult sa vizitezemuzee ,biserici , sa gustemancarurile si bauturiletraditionale, sa intalneascaoameninoi si camtot ce se poate face intr-o tara straina. Eaniciodata nu rateazanimic si se  informeaza de fiecare data candpleacaintr-un locnou. Pot spune ca asta este hobby-ulei.
Insapentru  mine era prima data in viata mea candcalatoreamcuavionul si candvedeam o tara straina, asa ca nu preastiam eu ce inseamnaacestlucru,dareram tare curioasa sa vad cum este.
In dimineata dedinainteaplecariitoatalumea se grabea sa se imbrace ca saajungem la aeroport. Cand am ajunsacolo, tata a facut check in-ul, apoi am urcat in avion. Avionulerafoarte mare, l-amasemantcu un vulturegiganticdinmetal. In  interior,scauneleerauasezatepestanga si pedreaptaastfel ca in mijlocera un hollung si ingustpe care oameniitreceaupentru a ajunge la locurilelor. Scauneleeraunumerotatesipusecate 4 pefiecare rand,astfelcanoi am avutnumerele 108, 109,110,111. Dupa ce au intrattotioamenii in uriasulvulturmetalic,stuardeselene-auexplicatmasurile de sigranta si ne-aurugatsa ne punemcenturile de siguranta, deoarece incurandurma sa decolam. La scurttimp, avionul a inceput sa se miste,
Mergeape pista dince in ce mairepedecanddintr-odatane-amtrezit in aer. Eraincredibilputeam sa vadtotBucurestiul! Noriipareaucasteledinpufalb in care zanelepamantuluidinpovestilemamei se ascundeauziua de oameni ca noaptea sa stropeascagardinilecuprafullormagicdandu-le viata si stralucire.
Dupa o orasijumatate, am ajuns in Italia. Fac o paranteza, noi am fost in Rimini, unoras la malulmarii, asacadupace am coborat din avion, am mers cu masinajumatate de orapana la hotel, deoareceaeroportulnu se afla in aceloras. Ajunsi la hotel , ne cazam,mancamsifiindcaeram cu totiiobostiti ne ducem in camerelenoastre. Eu am dormit cu mamisi cu tatisimami mi-a facutlaptic, iartati mi-a zis o povestenumita “Alba cazapada”, care mi-a placutnespus de mult.
A douazi , dupa ce am servit micul de jun,iarmami si tatisi-aubautcafeaua si au fumattigara de dimineata ne hotaram sa mergempeplaja.Afaraeracald si insorit, numai bine de stat la plaja.
Plajaera mare cumulteseslonguri si masutecuumbrelute, nisipulera fin si cald,iarmareaclara de puteaisa-tivezipicioareleprinea.
Dupa ce ne-amasezat la o umblreluta, fiecaresi-agasitceva de facut: tata citeao carte desprepsihologiasufletului, mama si cu Elena s-au dus in apa, iar eu ma jucam in nisip. Profitand de faptul ca nimeni nu se uita la mine, amdecis sa i-au ochelarii de soare ai mameimelesi sa plecintr-o mica expeditiepeplaja. Eraminunat, ma plimbamprintremiile de oameni, observand ca fiecarevorbeaintr-oaltalimba, amintalnitchiar si un om care aveaculoareapielineagra. M-a speriatcand s-a uitat la mine cuochiiaia asa de albi si spranceleincrunate asa ca amvrut sa fuginapoi la mami si la tati, dar amrealizat ca numaistiamdrumulinapoi. Am inceputsaplangsi s-o strigpemamiinsa nu raspundea, atunci am realizatca m-am pierdut de tot. M-amasezatlanga o umbreluta, unde nu eramnimeni si au inceputsaimi vina in mintetotfelul de idei cum ca,mami si tati nu o sa ma gaseascanicidata si cavoiramaneaicipentrutotrestulvietii. La scurttimpimi vine o idee: ma voipune in cel mai vizibillocposibil si voiincepe s-o strigpemami, easigur ma cauta, asa, poate ma v-a gasii mai repede in acestfel si astaam si facut. Am vazutmagazinul de peplaja, locpelanga care stiam ca trecusemcuparintiimei ,amfugitcatre el apoiaminceput s-o strigpemami,candmamieradejaacolo si macauta. Cand m-a vazutfata i s-a luminat , m-a luat in brate si m-a strans tare de era sa ramanfaraaer, iarapoimi-azis sa numai plecniciodata asa departefara sa fie cinevacu mine. Tati cand m-a vazuta inceput sa rada pentru ca aveamochelarii lui mami pe ochi si a decis sa imortalizez ea cest moment, asa ca mi-a facut o poza, dupa care m-a luat in brate si m-a pupat.

Aceasta a fost peripetia mea, daca este ceva ce am invatat din eaeste ca nu trebuie sa ma departezreamultde parintiiei, candsuntemundeva, fara ca ei sa stiesaufara ca cinevacunoscut sa fie langa mine. Acest lucru vi-lrecomand si voua, copii, nu faceti niciodata ce am facut eu.

Hello! My name is Bibi and I am 4 years old. Today I`m going to tell you a short story about something that I`ve experienced recently and that not only changed me but also the people around me.
About one month ago my parents decided to take a trip to Italy, like a “normal” family as we are. So, my dad made the reservations for the hotel and bought the plane tickets. We were settled to take off the next day. Everybody was so excited about this trip but the one who took the spotlight on this matter was my bigger sister, Elena. In order to make this excitement more obvious than it already was, she actually made a pretty elaborate program of our staying which consisted mostly of visiting museums, churches, dining in local restaurants and experiencing a bit of the Italian lifestyle. That wasn`t a bad plan after all but her dedication to it was really annoying. Let`s face it, I`m a 4 year-old, what could I possibly understand of all those locations she has picked? My very own desire was to go to the beach and have a little fun, but I don`t blame her, it`s her passion of being a tourist which created all this.
As for me, that was the first time I have ever been on a plane before so I couldn`t actually understand what was going on but God knows I was truly curious about how would all turn up to be. To me, this whole “other country” concept was totally new. Fairly speaking, I was a little bit disappointed because I thought that going to another part of the word involves somehow a spaceship but unfortunately that wasn`t true.
Turning back to my family, the morning of the departure transformed into a racing contest. Everybody was in such a hurry to get dressed and to make the last arrangements that I could only stay there and try to identify the face of the person running pass me. But that didn`t bothered me at all. Why? Because I was too busy thinking about the spaceship we were about to get into.
After all this coming and going we finally managed to the airport where my dad made the check-in  and then led us into the plane. This gigantic steel-bird din not look as a spaceship but it was close enough to keep my enthusiasm intact. The disposition of the chairs did intrigue me because I was used to the two -chairs per line model as in the busses and other transport mains, although I was pleased that I could stay near my mom and enthusiastic sister.
When all the passengers got on board the plane started to move and in a blink of an eye we were actually flying over the whole city. I was amazed by Bucharest`s size and by that unique view of the land. As climbing higher I could also see the clouds- I have never seen a cloud so near which obviously stimulated my imagination. I was seeing the clouds as majestic castles from where the earth fairies from my mother`s stories were hiding from the people during the day but when the night fell, they would come down and spread magic powder all over to create the beauties that we see now. Of course, my imagination justifies most of the things that I see at least for now; afterwards the reality would eventually make its entrance.
After this journey in the air we finally arrived at the hotel all tired and willing to get some rest. Getting up was easier than I thought, probably motivated by the fact that we were about to get on the beach were all the fun was. Once there, my parents assured that we were sitting comfortably and also hoped of some peace and quiet for themselves but there was not the time yet.
My curiosity stroke again so I decided to initiate a little expedition on my own and took my father`s sunglasses probably to be taken more seriously by the other tourists on that beach. “All set. Ready to go!”, I thought. In consequence, I started walking and walking until I arrived to a place where I couldn`t no more identify anything familiar. With all those people wandering around me I became to feel confused but the fear came up when I realized that I was surrounded by complete strangers and then it occurred to me- “What if I will never find my way back? What if no one will realize I`m missing? What then?” Suddenly, flashbacks were developing into my head picturing the worse scenario but I knew that I had to do something. I thought if I would go to the most visible place from that beach and look for mom she would actually see me after all so I ran towards the rescue point and started to wave a red carpet which I found on my way. Surprisingly it worked! My parents saw me and came to my rescue. They were so relieved and so was I. Convinced that I would never repeat that experience again and, in the same time, proud of my detective skills.
All in all, our vacation turned out well, it just needed to be pushed beyond ordinary. Elena was happy too, she managed to accomplish her touristic aims and to teach us a little bit about Italy too. I, on the other hand were the happiest, not only that I lived an adventure but also I managed to empower the bound in my family. And this folks is the story of this picture- now admit it- I look fantastic!

Vlasceanu Andreea , Grigore Gabriela 

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