luni, 7 octombrie 2013


Prima poza la care ma gandesc din copilarie este cea cu verii mei de la tara, in care culegeam cirese.
Intr-o vara, pentru a nu mai face prostii prin casa, parintii nostrii ne-au dat o sarcina mai importanta: sa culegem cirese. Ne-au dat cateva cosuri mai mari decat noi si ne-au aratat ciresii din care sa strangem. Ca niste copii constiinciosi am inceput sa culegem, dupa multa munca am observant ca oricat ne-am chinui noi, cosul nu se umplea mai deloc, asa ca ne-am hotarat sa le mancam pe toate.. Atunci parca munca noastra nu mai era in zadar si copacul se golea mai repede decat inainte.
Poza a fost facuta de unchiul meu, pentru a imortaliza un moment din copilaria noastra frumoasa si fericita. Acum ma uit cu drag la poza aceasta, chiar daca verii mei sunt in Israel. Poza aceasta imi aduce aminte de fiecare lucru mic din copilarie, care atunci parea mare si imi face gandul a zboare la acea zi frumoasa de vara, 
la gustul dulce al cireselor si la bucuria ca ii ajutam pe parintii nostrii sa adune ciresele.

     The first picture from the childhood it’s the one with my cousins from the country side, when we were picking cherries.
   It was the summer tine and our parents gave us the ”mission”  to pick up a bunch of cherries, instead of getting in trouble, like we used to do.
   We started to collect them and after a lot of hard work, we noticed that no matter how hard we tried, the basket seemed to be still kind of empty, so we decided to eat all the cherries. We finally started to enjoy our work.
     The picture was made by my uncle, to keep the memory of that summer day from our beautiful childhood.  Now I’m looking at this picture with love, even if my cousins are living in Israel.
      This image will always be the link between myself as a little cherry  stealer and the happiness while we were trying to help our parents.


De Ziua Internaţională a Pământului, 22 aprilie, milioane de locuitori ai planetei participă la evenimente dedicate efectelor schimbărilor climatice. Numeroase organizaţii ecologiste au iniţiat acţiuni prin care înceracă să-i implice pe oameni să găsească soluţii pentru protejarea mediului, de la curăţarea plajelor sau albiilor râurilor până la plantări de copaci.
22 aprilie a devenit Ziua Internaţională a Pământului din 2009, la iniţiativa ONU. Sărbătoarea oficială a Terrei îşi are originile în Statele Unite, unde senatorul american Gaylord Nelson a înfiinţat această zi din cauza nivelului din ce în ce mai crescut al poluării. Ziua Pământului a fost celebrată în primul an de circa 20 milioane de cetățeni americani, în marea lor majoritate tineri și foarte tineri.
Cu placere imi amintesc si eu de aceasta zi de frumoasa 22 aprilie,si anume de clasa a-III-a cand sarbatoream Ziua Pamantului in parcul tineretului.Era o zi frumoasa de primavara si impreuna cu cativa colegi si colege din clasa am fost selectati de doamna invatatoare sa participam la o activitate organizata, de Ziua Pamantului .Am ajuns acolo si ni s-a inmanat o pancarda cucare trebuia sa defilam si pe scria Ziua  Mondiala a Pamantului.Am putat-o cu mandria unor mici romani si eram foarte fericiti ca ne aducem si noi contributia la aceasta sarbatoare.Am ascultat programul de cantece si poezii sustinute de colegi din alte scoli.

Apoi am facut fotografi pentru a avea ca amintire peste ani acea zi minunata la care am participat cu bucurie.

The International Earth Day, April 22, millions of people worldwide participate in events dedicated to climate change. Many environmental organizations have initiated actions that try to involve people find solutions to protect the environment from cleaning beaches or riverbeds to planting trees. April 22 became the International Day of the Earth in 2009, the ONU initiative. . The official celebration of Earth has its origins in the U.S., where U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded this day because of the increasing level of pollution increased. Earth Day was celebrated in the first year about 20 million American citizens, mostly young and very young.
My pleasure and I remember this beautiful day April 22, namely class-III we celebrate Earth Day in Youth Park. It was a beautiful spring day and with a few colleagues of the class have been selected by school teacher to participate in an activity organized by Earth Day. . We got there and we were handed a placard that said you need to scroll on World Earth Day.
We proudly putative a small Romanian and I was very happy that we make our contribution to this sarbatoare.Am heard songs and poetry program supported by colleagues from other schools.

Then I took the picture to have as a keepsake over the years that I attended wonderful day with joy.

Stan Oana , Cireasa Julieta 


Buna! Numelemeu este Bibi si am 4ani. Astazi o sa va povestesc o mica peripetiedinviata mea. Acum olunaparintiimei au descissa mergem, ca o familienormala ce suntem, intr-ovacantain Italia, asa ca, tata a facutrezervarila un hotel si a cumparatbiletele de avion. Urma sa plecam a douazi.Toatalumeaeraincantata deaceastavacanta, sora mea, Elena,isifacusechiar si un plan cu ce doreste sa vizitezecandajungeacolo. Ei ii place foartemult sa vizitezemuzee ,biserici , sa gustemancarurile si bauturiletraditionale, sa intalneascaoameninoi si camtot ce se poate face intr-o tara straina. Eaniciodata nu rateazanimic si se  informeaza de fiecare data candpleacaintr-un locnou. Pot spune ca asta este hobby-ulei.
Insapentru  mine era prima data in viata mea candcalatoreamcuavionul si candvedeam o tara straina, asa ca nu preastiam eu ce inseamnaacestlucru,dareram tare curioasa sa vad cum este.
In dimineata dedinainteaplecariitoatalumea se grabea sa se imbrace ca saajungem la aeroport. Cand am ajunsacolo, tata a facut check in-ul, apoi am urcat in avion. Avionulerafoarte mare, l-amasemantcu un vulturegiganticdinmetal. In  interior,scauneleerauasezatepestanga si pedreaptaastfel ca in mijlocera un hollung si ingustpe care oameniitreceaupentru a ajunge la locurilelor. Scauneleeraunumerotatesipusecate 4 pefiecare rand,astfelcanoi am avutnumerele 108, 109,110,111. Dupa ce au intrattotioamenii in uriasulvulturmetalic,stuardeselene-auexplicatmasurile de sigranta si ne-aurugatsa ne punemcenturile de siguranta, deoarece incurandurma sa decolam. La scurttimp, avionul a inceput sa se miste,
Mergeape pista dince in ce mairepedecanddintr-odatane-amtrezit in aer. Eraincredibilputeam sa vadtotBucurestiul! Noriipareaucasteledinpufalb in care zanelepamantuluidinpovestilemamei se ascundeauziua de oameni ca noaptea sa stropeascagardinilecuprafullormagicdandu-le viata si stralucire.
Dupa o orasijumatate, am ajuns in Italia. Fac o paranteza, noi am fost in Rimini, unoras la malulmarii, asacadupace am coborat din avion, am mers cu masinajumatate de orapana la hotel, deoareceaeroportulnu se afla in aceloras. Ajunsi la hotel , ne cazam,mancamsifiindcaeram cu totiiobostiti ne ducem in camerelenoastre. Eu am dormit cu mamisi cu tatisimami mi-a facutlaptic, iartati mi-a zis o povestenumita “Alba cazapada”, care mi-a placutnespus de mult.
A douazi , dupa ce am servit micul de jun,iarmami si tatisi-aubautcafeaua si au fumattigara de dimineata ne hotaram sa mergempeplaja.Afaraeracald si insorit, numai bine de stat la plaja.
Plajaera mare cumulteseslonguri si masutecuumbrelute, nisipulera fin si cald,iarmareaclara de puteaisa-tivezipicioareleprinea.
Dupa ce ne-amasezat la o umblreluta, fiecaresi-agasitceva de facut: tata citeao carte desprepsihologiasufletului, mama si cu Elena s-au dus in apa, iar eu ma jucam in nisip. Profitand de faptul ca nimeni nu se uita la mine, amdecis sa i-au ochelarii de soare ai mameimelesi sa plecintr-o mica expeditiepeplaja. Eraminunat, ma plimbamprintremiile de oameni, observand ca fiecarevorbeaintr-oaltalimba, amintalnitchiar si un om care aveaculoareapielineagra. M-a speriatcand s-a uitat la mine cuochiiaia asa de albi si spranceleincrunate asa ca amvrut sa fuginapoi la mami si la tati, dar amrealizat ca numaistiamdrumulinapoi. Am inceputsaplangsi s-o strigpemamiinsa nu raspundea, atunci am realizatca m-am pierdut de tot. M-amasezatlanga o umbreluta, unde nu eramnimeni si au inceputsaimi vina in mintetotfelul de idei cum ca,mami si tati nu o sa ma gaseascanicidata si cavoiramaneaicipentrutotrestulvietii. La scurttimpimi vine o idee: ma voipune in cel mai vizibillocposibil si voiincepe s-o strigpemami, easigur ma cauta, asa, poate ma v-a gasii mai repede in acestfel si astaam si facut. Am vazutmagazinul de peplaja, locpelanga care stiam ca trecusemcuparintiimei ,amfugitcatre el apoiaminceput s-o strigpemami,candmamieradejaacolo si macauta. Cand m-a vazutfata i s-a luminat , m-a luat in brate si m-a strans tare de era sa ramanfaraaer, iarapoimi-azis sa numai plecniciodata asa departefara sa fie cinevacu mine. Tati cand m-a vazuta inceput sa rada pentru ca aveamochelarii lui mami pe ochi si a decis sa imortalizez ea cest moment, asa ca mi-a facut o poza, dupa care m-a luat in brate si m-a pupat.

Aceasta a fost peripetia mea, daca este ceva ce am invatat din eaeste ca nu trebuie sa ma departezreamultde parintiiei, candsuntemundeva, fara ca ei sa stiesaufara ca cinevacunoscut sa fie langa mine. Acest lucru vi-lrecomand si voua, copii, nu faceti niciodata ce am facut eu.

Hello! My name is Bibi and I am 4 years old. Today I`m going to tell you a short story about something that I`ve experienced recently and that not only changed me but also the people around me.
About one month ago my parents decided to take a trip to Italy, like a “normal” family as we are. So, my dad made the reservations for the hotel and bought the plane tickets. We were settled to take off the next day. Everybody was so excited about this trip but the one who took the spotlight on this matter was my bigger sister, Elena. In order to make this excitement more obvious than it already was, she actually made a pretty elaborate program of our staying which consisted mostly of visiting museums, churches, dining in local restaurants and experiencing a bit of the Italian lifestyle. That wasn`t a bad plan after all but her dedication to it was really annoying. Let`s face it, I`m a 4 year-old, what could I possibly understand of all those locations she has picked? My very own desire was to go to the beach and have a little fun, but I don`t blame her, it`s her passion of being a tourist which created all this.
As for me, that was the first time I have ever been on a plane before so I couldn`t actually understand what was going on but God knows I was truly curious about how would all turn up to be. To me, this whole “other country” concept was totally new. Fairly speaking, I was a little bit disappointed because I thought that going to another part of the word involves somehow a spaceship but unfortunately that wasn`t true.
Turning back to my family, the morning of the departure transformed into a racing contest. Everybody was in such a hurry to get dressed and to make the last arrangements that I could only stay there and try to identify the face of the person running pass me. But that didn`t bothered me at all. Why? Because I was too busy thinking about the spaceship we were about to get into.
After all this coming and going we finally managed to the airport where my dad made the check-in  and then led us into the plane. This gigantic steel-bird din not look as a spaceship but it was close enough to keep my enthusiasm intact. The disposition of the chairs did intrigue me because I was used to the two -chairs per line model as in the busses and other transport mains, although I was pleased that I could stay near my mom and enthusiastic sister.
When all the passengers got on board the plane started to move and in a blink of an eye we were actually flying over the whole city. I was amazed by Bucharest`s size and by that unique view of the land. As climbing higher I could also see the clouds- I have never seen a cloud so near which obviously stimulated my imagination. I was seeing the clouds as majestic castles from where the earth fairies from my mother`s stories were hiding from the people during the day but when the night fell, they would come down and spread magic powder all over to create the beauties that we see now. Of course, my imagination justifies most of the things that I see at least for now; afterwards the reality would eventually make its entrance.
After this journey in the air we finally arrived at the hotel all tired and willing to get some rest. Getting up was easier than I thought, probably motivated by the fact that we were about to get on the beach were all the fun was. Once there, my parents assured that we were sitting comfortably and also hoped of some peace and quiet for themselves but there was not the time yet.
My curiosity stroke again so I decided to initiate a little expedition on my own and took my father`s sunglasses probably to be taken more seriously by the other tourists on that beach. “All set. Ready to go!”, I thought. In consequence, I started walking and walking until I arrived to a place where I couldn`t no more identify anything familiar. With all those people wandering around me I became to feel confused but the fear came up when I realized that I was surrounded by complete strangers and then it occurred to me- “What if I will never find my way back? What if no one will realize I`m missing? What then?” Suddenly, flashbacks were developing into my head picturing the worse scenario but I knew that I had to do something. I thought if I would go to the most visible place from that beach and look for mom she would actually see me after all so I ran towards the rescue point and started to wave a red carpet which I found on my way. Surprisingly it worked! My parents saw me and came to my rescue. They were so relieved and so was I. Convinced that I would never repeat that experience again and, in the same time, proud of my detective skills.
All in all, our vacation turned out well, it just needed to be pushed beyond ordinary. Elena was happy too, she managed to accomplish her touristic aims and to teach us a little bit about Italy too. I, on the other hand were the happiest, not only that I lived an adventure but also I managed to empower the bound in my family. And this folks is the story of this picture- now admit it- I look fantastic!

Vlasceanu Andreea , Grigore Gabriela 


Ea se numea Sarah . Locuia alaturi de bunicul ei si de catelusa Alma . Ceea ce nu multi stiau este ca Alma era un catel special . Ea putea vorbi asemeni oamenilor si prindea o viteza de doua ori mai mare decat o super masina de curse . In fiecare seara bunicul ii citea fetitei din cartile lui Jules Verne , iar ea il asculta pierduta in universul magic ce i se prezenta . O fascina lumea cartilor si de fiecare data se imagina un personaj a lui Verne . Inconjurul lumii in 80 de zile era preferata ei . Isi dorea enorm sa vada lumea cu ajutorul Almei si a superputerilor sale . Avea o sete de aventura pe care greu o mai putea potoli , iar dorinta de cunoastere alimentata de povestile bunicului era mai mare decat va puteti inchipui .
Ambitia , dorinta si mai ales imaginatia bogata a fetei , au reusit sa duca la ceea ce se va numi “ aventura vietii ei “ . Harta veche luata dintre paginile prafuite ale cartii , poza bunicului si Alma . Astea au fost necesare ca Sarah sa porneasca la drum fara a se uita nici macar o secunda inapoi . A vazut intr-un timp atat de scurt templele din India , girafele din Africa , marile si oceanele si toate orasele Europei . Cu ajutorul Almei si-a implinit visul si s-a intors acasa atat de repede incat bunicul nici nu a apucat sa ii duca dorul !

She was called Sarah . She lived with her ​​grandfather and dog Alma . What not many knew is that Alma was a special dog . She could talk like people and get a speed twice higher than a super race car . Every night her grandfather was reading something from Jules Verne 's books , and she got lost in the  magical universe while listening . She was fascinated by the  world of books and each time she thought herself as a character by Verne .
Around the world in 80 days was her favorite . She wanted to see the world with the help aof Alma and her superpowers . She had a thirst for adventure that could hardly quench and a desire for knowledge, fueled by her grandfather stories , bigger than you can imagine .
Ambition , desire and imagination, managed to lead to what will be called " the adventure of her life ." The old map from within the  dusty pages of the book , a picture of grandpa and Alma . These were the only things that Sarah needed to get going without looking back even for a second .
She saw in a short time the temples of India , giraffes from Africa , seas and oceans and all the cities of Europe. With the help of Alma , she has fulfilled her dream and returned home so fast that her grandfather did not miss her even for a second . 

Pioara Miruna , Dragan Andreea 


Sunt Razvan,un baiat din Bucuresti,nascut intr-o familie frumoasa cu 3 frati si multi verisori.Copilaria mea a fost plina de evenimente placute, deoarece am avut mereu alaturi familia si prietenii,la bine si la greu.
Cand eram mic aveam foarte mari probleme cu greutatea,fiindu-mi rusine de cum aratam si la indrumarea parintilor am reusit sa slabesc,cu ajutorul sportului,vointei si prietenilor

In concluzie cu ajutorul celor dragi si al vointei,poti realiza tot ceea ce iti propui.

I am Razvan , a boy from Bucharest . I was born into a beautiful family with 3 brothers and many cousins​​. My childhood was full of pleasant events because I always had my family and friends, for better or for worse , there for me .
When I was young I had big problems with weight, being ashamed of how I looked , but with  parental guidance I managed to lose weight . Sport , will and friends helped me a lot.
In conclusion with the help of loved ones and will, you can accomplish everything you want to do.  


Dragul meu,

     Cateodata ma intreb cat o sa mai rezistam impreuna.Oara nu mai sunt decat cateva clipe pana cand ne vom desparti?Nu imi dau seama ce trebuie sa fac.Ce sa aleg pe viitor ca sa fiu fericita,sa raman cu tine.Inca te simt langa mine,dar pe zi ce trece apar tot mai multi oameni care incearca sa ne desparta.Tot ce s-a creeat in jurul meu acum ma fac sa-mi dau seama cu adevarat ca lumea s-a schimbat enorm.Toti oamenii alearga acum doar dupa bogatii,dar putini dintre ei stiu ce mi-a spus mie un bun prieten,Mihail,si anume ca iubirea nu se cumpara cu toate comorile din lume,de aceea,in dragoste,si saracii pot fi miliardari,printi sau regi.
    Si nu te-am pierdut inca,imi aduc aminte bine de tine!Cand ma trezeam dimineata si vedeam cum soarele imi intra in camera,erai cu adevarat langa mine.Sau chiar si atunci cand ma plimbam pe strada si vedeam toti copii cum se alearga unul pe celalat si radeau in hohote.
    O singura amintire insa ma duce cu gandul direct la tine.Eram pe malul marii,alaturi de fratele meu.Ne tineam de mana si alergam fericiti,simtindu-ne liberi.Chiar eram defapt,ce se poate intampla cand esti copil?Crezi ca le stii pe toate si ca ai toata lumea la picioare.Zambesti si asta e tot ce conteaza.Zambim pentru ca suntem fericiti,dar zambetul in sine ne face totodata sa ne simtim fericiti.Fara el totul este mult mai greu.Daia nu imi dadeam seama cand eram mica.Acolo,la malul marii albastre,nu imi mai trebuia nimic.Te aveam pe tine.Chiar imi lipsesti in unele momente,dar nu te uit.Nu te voi uita niciodata.Zambetul este o aptitudine a sufletului de a privi dincolo de sens.
   Stiu ca vei fi langa mine si voi lupta pentru asta.Sa nu ma las condusa de tot ceea ce spun ceilalti.Cand este asa de usor sa zambesti.Zambetul este fericirea care se afla chiar sub nasul tau.
   Oare cate clipe mai sunt pana ne vom desparti?Zambetul meu,sa nu pleci niciodata.Ramai aici,caci am nevoie de tine!

                                                                               A ta,
                                                                              O simpla fiinta

My dear,

   Sometimes I am wondering how long we would be together. Maybe there are just some moments until we break up? I don’t realize what should I do…what should I choose ahead to be happy,to stay with you. I am still feeling you right behind me ,  but every day there are more and more people who are trying to break us up. Everything that was created around me ,now it makes me realize that the world have been changed a lot. Everybody’s running  after riches ,but just some of them knows what a very good friend ,Mihail,have told me that in love,even the poors can be billionaires,prices or kings.
   And I didn’t lost you yet,I remember you very clearly! When I was waking up every morning and I was seeing the sun entering in my room,you were trully with me! Or even when I was walking down the street and I was seeing children running and laughting.
   Only a memory is bringing you in my mind. We were on the beach alongside my brother. We were holding our hands and running happily ,feeling free. We were really free..of course,what should can happen when you are just a child? You think that you know everything and you have the hole world at your feet. You smile and that’s  the only thing matters. We are smiling  because we are happy,but the smile itself  make us feel happier. Without it everything is more difficult. That’s why I haven’t realized when I was little. Right there,on the beach I have had everything that I need. I have had you! I really miss you sometimes,but I will never forget you! Never ever! The smile is a soul aptitude lo look beyond the sense.
    I am sure that we’ll be together and I will fight for this! To never be led by everything that everybody is telling me. When is so easy to smile.. The smile is the happiness right beneath your nose.
I wonder how many moments are until we break up? My dear SMILE,please do never leave me! Stay here,because I really need you!

                                                                    Yours , 
                                                              A simple human beeing 

Elena Alexandru , Lungu Andreea Catalina 


Paris      27.09.2013

Draga Andreea,
Ce mai faci? Sper ca esti bine. Eu sunt tot aici, in Franta. Astept cu nerabdare sa ne revedem.Facand curat in pod, am gasit aceasta poza, cu noi doua, facuta acum 19 ani, in Ajunul Craciunului. Sper ca o sa te binedispuna si pe tine aceasta fotografie.Dupa cum bine stii, in luna decembrie, voi fii acasa pentru a sarbatori,ca in fiecare an, Craciunul. Pana atunci sper sa ma vizitezi si tu pentru ca am atatea sa iti povestesc si sunt sigura ca si tu ai sa imi spui multe.In aceasta vara, am petrecut cateva zile superbe la Roma, alaturi de sotul meu. Roma este cel mai romantic oras pe care l-am vazut si iti recomand sa il vizitezi cand ai ocazia. Am mai fost si la Venetia, fiind orasul meu preferat.Revenind la poza care m-a facut sa scriu aceste randuri, vreau sa iti amintesc toate nazbatiile pe care le faceam impreuna in copilarie. Imi este foarte dor de tine si de toate acele momente. Iti mai amintesti cand am plecat singure in padure si ne-am ratacit? Chiar daca eram foarte mici si inspaimantate, am trecut cu bine si peste aceasta aventura. Iti multumesc ca mereu mi-ai fost alaturi, si in momentele de bucurie, dar si de tristete. As da orice sa pot trai acele momente inca o data. Ai planuri pentru sarbatorile acestea? Eu m-am gandit la o excursie, la munte, impreuna cu toata familia. Stiu ca in ultima perioada am neglijat prietenia noastra, din cauza serviciului meu, care imi ocupa foarte mult timp. Sper ca pe viitor sa putem petrece cat mai mult timp impreuna . Acum ca m-am stabilit la Paris, puteti veni oricand sa ma vizitati. Stiu ca de mica vroiai sa vizitezi acest oras. Astept cu nerabdare revederea noastra si vreau sa ai grija de tine !
Cu drag, Maria

Paris      27.09.2013
 Dear Andreea,
    How are you? I hope you are OK. I'm still here, in France. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Cleaning the attick, I came across this photo, which I made 19 years ago. I hope this photo will make you happy, too. As you know, in December I will be at home for Christmas, like every year. Till than I hope you will call on me because we have much to talk about. This summer I spent a few wonderful days  in Rome, together with my husband. Rome is the most romantic city I have ever seen. I also visited Venise, which is my favourite town.Coming back to the photo, which made me write these lines to you, I just want to reming you of the tricks we used to make during our childhood. I miss you and all those moments so much. Do you remember the day when we walked in the forest and we lost our way? Even if we were very young and scared then, we passed over this adventure, too. I am grateful for  youralways being by my side. I would give anything in order to pass through those moments again. Do you have any plans for this holiday? As for me, I∩m thinking of a mountain trip together with all my family. I know that I have neglected our friendship lately because of my job, which takes me much time. I do hope we will spend more time together in the future. Now, I have moved to Paris, you can come to visit me anytime. I know that you have wanted to visit this city eversince you were a child. I'm looking forward to seeing you and i want you to take care with yourself !

                     Love, Maria

Vilsanoiu Medeea , Benga Casandra