Sunt Razvan,un baiat din Bucuresti,nascut intr-o familie
frumoasa cu 3 frati si multi verisori.Copilaria mea a fost plina de evenimente
placute, deoarece am avut mereu alaturi familia si prietenii,la bine si la greu.
Cand eram mic aveam foarte mari probleme cu
greutatea,fiindu-mi rusine de cum aratam si la indrumarea parintilor am reusit
sa slabesc,cu ajutorul sportului,vointei si prietenilor
In concluzie cu ajutorul celor dragi si al vointei,poti
realiza tot ceea ce iti propui.
I am Razvan , a boy from Bucharest . I was born into a beautiful family
with 3 brothers and many cousins. My childhood was full of pleasant events
because I always had my family and friends, for better or for worse , there for
me .
When I was young I had big problems with weight, being
ashamed of how I looked , but with parental guidance I managed to lose weight . Sport
, will and friends helped me a lot.
In conclusion with the help of loved ones and will, you can
accomplish everything you want to do.
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