Dragul meu,
Cateodata ma
intreb cat o sa mai rezistam impreuna.Oara nu mai sunt decat cateva clipe pana
cand ne vom desparti?Nu imi dau seama ce trebuie sa fac.Ce sa aleg pe viitor ca
sa fiu fericita,sa raman cu tine.Inca te simt langa mine,dar pe zi ce trece
apar tot mai multi oameni care incearca sa ne desparta.Tot ce s-a creeat in
jurul meu acum ma fac sa-mi dau seama cu adevarat ca lumea s-a schimbat
enorm.Toti oamenii alearga acum doar dupa bogatii,dar putini dintre ei stiu ce
mi-a spus mie un bun prieten,Mihail,si anume ca iubirea nu se cumpara cu toate
comorile din lume,de aceea,in dragoste,si saracii pot fi miliardari,printi sau
Si nu te-am
pierdut inca,imi aduc aminte bine de tine!Cand ma trezeam dimineata si vedeam
cum soarele imi intra in camera,erai cu adevarat langa mine.Sau chiar si atunci
cand ma plimbam pe strada si vedeam toti copii cum se alearga unul pe celalat
si radeau in hohote.
O singura amintire
insa ma duce cu gandul direct la tine.Eram pe malul marii,alaturi de fratele
meu.Ne tineam de mana si alergam fericiti,simtindu-ne liberi.Chiar eram
defapt,ce se poate intampla cand esti copil?Crezi ca le stii pe toate si ca ai
toata lumea la picioare.Zambesti si asta e tot ce conteaza.Zambim pentru ca
suntem fericiti,dar zambetul in sine ne face totodata sa ne simtim
fericiti.Fara el totul este mult mai greu.Daia nu imi dadeam seama cand eram
mica.Acolo,la malul marii albastre,nu imi mai trebuia nimic.Te aveam pe tine.Chiar
imi lipsesti in unele momente,dar nu te uit.Nu te voi uita niciodata.Zambetul
este o aptitudine a sufletului de a privi dincolo de sens.
Stiu ca vei fi
langa mine si voi lupta pentru asta.Sa nu ma las condusa de tot ceea ce spun
ceilalti.Cand este asa de usor sa zambesti.Zambetul este fericirea care se afla
chiar sub nasul tau.
Oare cate clipe mai
sunt pana ne vom desparti?Zambetul meu,sa nu pleci niciodata.Ramai aici,caci am
nevoie de tine!
O simpla fiinta
My dear,
Sometimes I am wondering how long we would
be together. Maybe there are just some moments until we break up? I don’t
realize what should I do…what should I choose ahead to be happy,to stay with
you. I am still feeling you right behind me ,
but every day there are more and more people who are trying to break us
up. Everything that was created around me ,now it makes me realize that the
world have been changed a lot. Everybody’s running after riches ,but just some of them knows
what a very good friend ,Mihail,have told me that in love,even the poors can be
billionaires,prices or kings.
And I didn’t lost you yet,I remember you
very clearly! When I was waking up every morning and I was seeing the sun
entering in my room,you were trully with me! Or even when I was walking down
the street and I was seeing children running and laughting.
Only a memory is bringing you in my mind. We
were on the beach alongside my brother. We were holding our hands and running
happily ,feeling free. We were really free..of course,what should can happen
when you are just a child? You think that you know everything and you have the
hole world at your feet. You smile and that’s
the only thing matters. We are smiling
because we are happy,but the smile itself make us feel happier. Without it everything
is more difficult. That’s why I haven’t realized when I was little. Right
there,on the beach I have had everything that I need. I have had you! I really
miss you sometimes,but I will never forget you! Never ever! The smile is a soul
aptitude lo look beyond the sense.
I am sure that we’ll be together and I will
fight for this! To never be led by everything that everybody is telling me.
When is so easy to smile.. The smile is the happiness right beneath your nose.
Elena Alexandru , Lungu Andreea Catalina
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