Prima poza la care ma gandesc
din copilarie este cea cu verii mei de la tara, in care culegeam cirese.
Intr-o vara, pentru a nu mai
face prostii prin casa, parintii nostrii ne-au dat o sarcina mai importanta:
sa culegem cirese. Ne-au dat cateva cosuri mai mari decat noi si ne-au aratat
ciresii din care sa strangem. Ca niste copii constiinciosi am inceput sa
culegem, dupa multa munca am observant ca oricat ne-am chinui noi, cosul nu se
umplea mai deloc, asa ca ne-am hotarat sa le mancam pe toate.. Atunci parca
munca noastra nu mai era in zadar si copacul se golea mai repede decat inainte.
Poza a fost facuta de unchiul meu,
pentru a imortaliza un moment din copilaria noastra frumoasa si fericita. Acum
ma uit cu drag la poza aceasta, chiar daca verii mei sunt in Israel. Poza
aceasta imi aduce aminte de fiecare lucru mic din copilarie, care atunci parea
mare si imi face gandul a zboare la acea zi frumoasa de vara,
la gustul dulce
al cireselor si la bucuria ca ii ajutam pe parintii nostrii sa adune ciresele.
The first picture
from the childhood it’s the one with my cousins from the country side, when we
were picking cherries.
It was the summer
tine and our parents gave us the ”mission”
to pick up a bunch of cherries, instead of getting in trouble, like we used to do.
We started to
collect them and after a lot of hard work, we noticed that no matter how hard
we tried, the basket seemed to be still kind of empty, so we decided to eat all
the cherries. We finally started to enjoy our work.
The picture was
made by my uncle, to keep the memory of that summer day from our beautiful
childhood. Now I’m looking at this
picture with love, even if my cousins are living in Israel.
This image will
always be the link between myself as a little cherry stealer and the happiness while we were trying to help
our parents.
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