Silly wind ! I woke up because I heard it whispering at the
little window near the bed . And the , while I was opening my eyes , tired but
happy because of what I dreamt , I have had seen the sun burning and its rays
slowly dying one by one .
I got out of bed, although I would have hugged the pillows and you and feel the smell of clean sheets all
I ran to the kitchen, tripping over our clothes thrown all
over the house.
While waiting to fill up my cup with the steaming black
elixir, I realized they I am naked. I looked back and beside the couch was your
shirt turned inside out, but still smelling of perfume. I dressed myself with
it and I
was immersed in the smell of coffee. I promised then that I will spend
every morning of my life dressed in your clothes.
You were sleeping almost like a baby, half uncovered and
absorbed by the magical darnkess and the way your subconscious gave you a happy
expression. I leaned over and kissed you on the forehead. Not wanting to wake
you I did not tuck back in bed but I prepared to get a shower . I promised then
that every morning of my life I will kiss you while you sleep.
Hot water began to flow and it felt just the way your
fingers squeezed my skin last night. I did not
want to clean your scent so I used
your shower gel. When I got out I used your perfume and dressed myself again
with your shirt. Then I promised myself that every morning of my life I’ll
smell like you.
I gott back in the kitchen and I prepared breakfast. Knowing
that you do not drink coffee, I prepared your favorite tea, toast and
strawberry jam. I placed them nicely on a tray and got in the bedroom. I bend
over to wake you, but you turned smiling back at me taking the tray from my
hands. Then you throw me over you and start tickling and kissing me. I promised
then that every morning of my life I'll get your breakfast in bed.
And while I got lost in your eyes, letting my hair cover
your arms I heard the whistling wind again. I woke up disoriented and lost. The
sun was not there, his place being taken by clouds. The house was clean, the
clothes disappeared, coffee was too bitter
and you were nowhere . I promised then that every night of my life I’ll have
the same dream I just woke up from five minutes ago.
The way I dream about you , the fact that I think about you every second of my life and the way I crave for you . That is what true love means !
Ce vant aiurit ! M-am trezit caci l-am auzit suierand la geamul mic dinspre pat . Apoi , in timp ce deschideam ochii , obosita dar fericita din pricina visului ce l-am avut in timpul noptii , am putut vedea cum soarele ardea mocnit cu razele murind incet , una cate una .
M-am dat jos din pat , desi mi-as fi dorit sa imbratisez pernele si pe tine si sa simt mirosul de cearsaf curat toata ziua .
Am alergat pana la bucatarie , impiedicandu-ma de hainele noastre aruncate in toata casa.
In timp ce asteptam sa mi se umple cana cu elixirul negru aburind , am realizat ca sunt dezbracata . Am intors privirea si in stanga canapelei era tricoul tau intors pe dos , dar inca mirosind a parfum . L-am imbracat si m-am cufundat in mirosul cafelei . Mi-am promis atunci ca fiecare dimineata a vietii mele am sa o petrec imbracata in hainele tale .
Aproape ca dormeai ca un copil mic , dezvelit pe jumatate , absorbit de magia intunericului si de subconstientul ce iti dadea o expresie fericita . M-am aplecat si te-am pupat pe frunte . Nevrand sa te trezesc nu m-am bagat la loc in pat ci m-am pregatit sa fac dus . Mi-am promis atunci ca in fiecare dimineata a vietii mele te voi saruta in timp ce dormi .
Apa fierbinte a inceput sa curga si parca iti simteam degetele strangandu-mi pielea , la fel ca in noaptea trecuta . Nu vreau sa ma curat de mirosul tau asa ca iti folosesc gelul de dus . Cand ies din dus iti folosesc parfumul pe incheieturi si imbrac la loc tricoul .Mi-am promis atunci ca in fiecare dimineata a vietii mele voi mirosi a tine .
Ajung din nou in bucatarie si incep sa pregatesc micul dejun . Stiind ca nu bei cafea , iti pregatesc ceaiul preferat , painea prajita si dulceata de capsuni . Le asez frumos pe o tava si intru in dormitor . Ma aplec sa te trezesc , dar te intorci zambind inspre mine si luandu-mi tava din mana , ma arunci peste tine si incepi sa ma gadili si sa ma saruti . Mi-am promis atunci ca in fiecare dimineata a vietii mele am sa-ti aduc micul dejun in pat .
Si-n timp ce ma pierdeam in ochii tai , lasandu-mi parul sa-ti acopere bratele am auzit vantul suierand din nou. M-am trezit dezorientata si pierduta . Soarele nu era acolo , locul lui fiind luat de nori . Casa era curata , nu erau haine aruncate, cafeaua era mult prea amara si tu nu erai nicaieri . Mi-am promis atunci ca in fiecare noapte a vietii mele voi avea acelasi vis din care tocmai m-am trezit acum 5 minute.
Felul in care te visez , felul in care ma gandesc la tine in fiecare secunda a vietii mele si felul in care te doresc . Asta inseamna adevarata iubire !
Negoita Andreea Valentina
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